The Dearly Departed

With many of the students ending with the same conclusion, or at least appearing to, Clancy decided to grant them their seemingly hivemind wish.

"If you'll follow me, I can lead you to where your staying, and any questions you have I'll answer as we walk," Clancy states, the gunfire appearing to finally wind down on the walls surrounding them. Before he starts walking anywhere, though, something nags at him at the back of his head, prompting him to stop and look back at his tablet-like device.

"I suppose a map of the village would likely come in handy. You should have one on your Scrolls right about now," he simply states, swiping a finger upwards on the device, and a few seconds later, a map of Waldste appears at roughly the same time on all the devices.

"Now then, if you'll follow me, the Arlightic's have taken it upon themselves to offer to house you eight for the duration of your stay. Which works, as we really don't have much room to spare at the moment," Clancy explains, turning and starting to walk off, giving a simple motion for the eight Hunters-in-training to follow him.

A few short minutes later, they arrived at a house that appeared somewhat bigger than the rest of the houses that lined the village., near the northern wall of the villages. Clancy simply walked up to the door, motioning for eight trainee's behind him to stop following him, and, providing they did so, the Hunter knocked several times upon the wooden front door. About a minute later, the door finally opened, and the man had a brief conversation with the woman who appeared at the door, inaudible over the occasional whirl and clatter of one of the turrets on the wall. After a minute or two of conversation, Clancy finally returned to the group. "Head on in," the man simply states, pointing towards the open door of the house.

Once the students entered, from the entry way, they'd notice that the house separated into three paths. On the left appeared to be a kitchen pretty well equipped and combined into it stood a dining room, which lead to a patio outside. The right lead to a more bland room, a room furnished sparingly with two couches and a trio of chair arranged around the room, all facing an unlit fireplace that stood in the corner. Down the hall lead out to the patio that the dining room was connected to, and set of stairs lead both upstairs and downstairs. Downstairs lay a forge and a workshop, quite similar to the one at Beacon, if a bit more advanced due to the requirements that would be required by a fully-trained smith.

Up the stairs, the formerly hardwood floors transformed into a much softer carpet, and five rooms, three on the north side and two on the south, lined the walls of hall, and every door except near, the one at the far end of the upstairs hall and one nearby, on the north side, hung open. Three of the rooms each had two beds in them, except for one on the south side, which had four. All the rooms were quite sparsely decorated, just like the living room, and just based off of the general condition of the house, it seemed a lot more likely that only one person lived in the house, despite it easily being a family home.

The students were free to choose their rooms, and Clancy followed them inside, leaving it possible to, if they had any, ask any questions to either Clancy, or their host.

[This'll be the last post for this thread, and then I plan on making an actual event for this arc tomorrow, where I'll divide up the labor for the teams. Just do what you need to do here.]

/r/rwbyRP Thread