Democratic debate in Las Vegas - Taiwanese Animation

I've always been a fan of Cui bono ("Who benefits") style deduction, and I think that when you look at wealth disparity across populations and see things like a very small percentage of very rich people - you have to wonder where their interests lay.. .I mean, the same way we get passionate about ideas, or politics, they might too - only they have the money and influence to push their viewpoint.

That said; I'm not sure how "Sorosian Marxism" actually relates to Marxism - but I do get where you're coming from when you talk about modern politics inadvertently rewiring certain social relations... but I don't think it's politics alone - as one of the Soros quotes mentions - it's also the efficiency of internet communication. if you look back on the history of social relations it's actually Plato who first proposes the breaking down of families - claiming that the state should raise all children. Closer to our time, and far less alarming than Plato there are a myriad of community relationships we don't see as much of anymore; from Romantic Friendships, to Foundlings, to the loss of platonic male touch/fraternity - and I read somewhere that Stallone complained that "Men don't sing together anymore" (in reference to war/marching songs I think)... but all of these are representations of our collective and changing history - that's the nature of social relations; they reflect the times we live in... the other day when I was researching Cultural Marxism I found reference (on Wikipedia) to something called the Wondervogal who:

were 50,000 Wandervögel by 1914. They were anti-bourgeois and Teutonic-pagan, composed mostly of middle class German young people, organized themselves around leaders into autonomous cells called Bunde (bands), and tended to follow charismatic leaders. -source

They'd cross the country, playing music and singing in troops and having fun... setting up forest camps and enjoying out door living, sometimes setting up camps within the ruins of old castles and giving concerts. Some of these camps even became permanent settlements such as at Monte Verite (Hill of Truth).

...and these guys, these Wandervogel are apparently seen as proto-types to both the 1960s hippies AND to the rigidly Fascist Brown Shirt youth brigades of Nazi Germany.... let that soak in for a second - they're seen as both causing both hippies and the german nazi youth movement (could you get any more different groups).

The really interesting thing is that they come from the turn of the century - just a handful of decades after the industrial revolution heated up - and just 20 years after the National Rail Service was completed in Germany - the turn of the century was a time of climactic technological and social change (hence why steam punk loves the late 1800s) - it's an era that mirrors our own.... and these technological events were about as distant in time from the Wandervogel - as we are to the creation of the internet and smart phones.... and I found this group via researching Cultural Marxism...

....and The Frankfurt School started out as researchers trying to find solutions to the new problems of modern technology, political fascism, and social relations...

The Wandervogel in my view was a new type of social relation - not of genetic family, nor of military or academic fraternity, but of genuinely forming a band, bunde or bundle to live with. It's a practice that Anarchists have tried from time to time, but due to a lack of fraternity or cohesive goal have mostly fizzled.... The thing that the Wandervogel had with the unity and majesty of a love of nature, music, travel and song (things that Hitler perverted into a kind of Christian Brutality and rabid patriotism)....

The Wandervogal would even pool their money, and make sure everyone had fresh clothes and food. How to get any of this back in an age where industry and technology are once again places as guilty burdens on the shoulders of white men looking for fraternity and family that serves the purpose of strength without the dominance or emotional ignorance of absent fathers and patriarchs is the question.

There are Maker Labs, and Hacker Spaces, Kickstarters and Clubs - but I don't know how many of them could serve the role of the Wandervogel - but I do think they're an example of where Soros style Social Nihilism can actually be seen as a lack or need of Wandervogel values in the youth. We are nigh Wandervogel.

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