Democrats pressure Biden to cancel $50,000 in student loan debt by executive action

No you’re not understanding what I’m saying. I will never be able to afford a home lol. I don’t own a home! The housing tax credit is a downpayment.

I’m saying that Biden should push for the housing credit first since then people, regardless of whether they went to college or not could afford a home then could afford a home! The tax credit is used as a downpayment for a home. He proposed it to be used as a downpayment. So then someone that’s grown up poor, too poor to have parents who own a home or go to college can own a home since they’ll have a 15k tax credit downpayment on the house. So it literally helps more people than college loan forgiveness which only helps people who had the advantage of college. (I mean I’ve gone through college but I’ve also been homeless for a time.) There are people who were too poor to even go to college too.

So if housing is taken care of first that would be great. I mean I’m not going to argue anymore about it since we both seem to agree but disagree on the order. I just wanted to be clear about the benefit of the housing credit. It’s a free 15k downpayment on a home! It helps everyone who doesn’t have a home! College or not. And there are more houses than there are homeless people, so I’m not sure how there wouldn’t be enough houses...

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