Destiny 2: Will Auresh/Auryx/Oryx come back?

I think it's possible he could be revived, after all, he revived his sisters after killing them. According to the lore, since he killed them in their worlds theirs was a true death, one they couldn't come back from. So there's something to be said about his level of power. That being said, I don't think they would even try to bring him back to life.

  1. It's possible, for one, that they aren't powerful enough. Oryx killed both his sisters to take their power, he then used that power increase to go to the worm gods, and kill Akka. Doing this he got the power to Take, and the power to commune with the deep. This put him on an even higher plane than the other two sisters. It's possible that because of this he was able to revive the two of them, and that he wouldn't have been able to do so otherwise. If so, Xivu Arath and Savathun are not powerful to bring him back from the dead. After all, we killed him in his Throne Room, so it is a true death.

  2. Oryx revived his sisters through two acts, an act of war and an act of cunning, exemplifying the attributes that make the two who they are. But Oryx's defining attribute is In

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