Destiny was a guess, The Taken King was a refinement, Rise of Iron is a statement

I just posted the same link so I'll just add my subject text here:

Reading this article as much as it seemed like a fluff piece there's some good points in the article.

"I think I've spent more time playing the game as myself — you know, bitching about work or chatting about movies that I like or whatever — than, you know, being immersed in a story, right?" Osborne asked. "So that's also been a really interesting thing for us, is to find that line between how often do we tell you a linear story, where we grab you by the head and say, 'Look at this!' versus letting you be the sort of hero. You think about ... I think some of my best experiences in Destiny have been when it's just me and my five friends plumbing the depths of the Vault of Glass, where there's fundamentally almost no story."

Agreed but the game's lore is so rich and interesting I really hope he's not inferring it's not necessary.

"We're not really using the moniker 'Year Three,' and I think that's kind of intentional, because Year Two — the reason we went there was to sort of very clearly signal to players that we were going to make overhauls, right? Like, the Light system got overhauled. The way we told story in The Taken King got overhauled. The way we served quests and let people hunt for gear saw huge improvements, based on the player feedback from Year One."

Implying that no major system overhaul changes will be made. Looks like they've ironed out the kinks already.

Anyway, decent article. I'm hyped for RoI and thought this could spark some discussion.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread