Why did Don Jr have to text Mark Meadows to get in touch with his own father?

So here is a weird conspiracy theory I have that gives these people way too much credit and assumes they are smarter than they appear.

What if, big what if, some of these people set it up so they would text message certain people messages a bit different from one another so if they were ever caught (or investigated) the messages would both sound like they didn't want the insurrection to go as far as it did to remove some liability AND what ever messages were made public they would know where they came from (who squealed) because each one sent to each different person was worded differently.

Kind of like when mob bosses tell certain people information but change a small detail like the color of a car so when it gets back to them they know who the rat is.

/r/PoliticalHumor Thread Link - i.redd.it