Why did everybody become such an asshole after covid?

I had to deal with a lot of ignorant shit. It's borderline PTSD and I'm sure they'll come up with a definition for "Post-Covid Trauma" for the DSM next year.

Here's my list of reasons why I'm not the same from before Covid.

  • Family members going full looney-bin with the conspiracies about Dr. Fauci, Ellen, you name it. My mom was convinced China was invading last winter. How do you even have a conversation with someone when they're like this? I felt like I lost a lot of people without any one of them dying.
  • Lost 5 people. Ironically, none of them were Covid-related. If you ask my looney family, however, they'd tell you my grandma's stroke was probably a vaccine-caused side effect. I haven't asked them because I might punch them in the teeth.
  • Having a minor sniffle and wondering "Oh shit, am I asymptomatic? Who have I seen in the last 7 days who would potentially die from me?
  • Being judged for wearing a mask AND not wearing a mask.
  • Having my mother beg me with tears in her eyes to promise her to not get vaccinated.
  • Having to be an adult and get it anyways while continuing to lie to everyone that I didn't get it.
  • Politics. Just... politics.
  • Corporatations showing off how scummy they can be.
  • People licking things in grocery stores for TikTok likes.
  • The other plethora global catastrophes that happened, like Australia's wildfire.
  • My government's inability to help us, but grand ability to help out their own pockets by selling stock before the economy collapsed and being unwilling to curb inflation quickly.
  • Billionaires doubling their net worth.
  • Inflation making my pay-raise earlier this year mean nothing.
  • Fiance had a mental breakdown and didn't work for one full year. I had to be a stoic rock at home all this time so that she didn't get worse.

I genuinely try to be nice to everyone I meet, but I just don't have the patience and willpower to deal with stupid shit anymore. If I worked in retail I'd probably have strangled someone by now.

/r/AskReddit Thread