Why did you and your friend stop being friends?

It was the strangest thing.. Ps sorry long post My best friend at the time (I was 15ish she was 19) was going bowling with a few other friends that night and invited me. I was down to go but she texted me a few hours later saying her parents wanted to have a family dinner so she wasn't going after all, I said alight cool maybe next time. Fast forward to the next night, I'm on Facebook and see her tagged in a bunch of pics from yesterday bowling with a few people. I wasn't even honestly mad at this point just texted her "hey, you ended up going bowling last night?" She texts back "nah I stayed home." I thought it was weird that she was lying about this and texted her: " lol I know you went bowling I saw pics on Facebook I don't care was just wondering" She started being extremely defensive for no reason and was like "well it was a surprise I didn't have time to text you my other friends picked me up and blah blah I was about to text you but we were already there.." It's an hour to the nearest bowling place so I knew something was up when she said she didn't get a chance to text me before they got there but I just let it go and just texted back "ok" apparently this released some weird psycho demon that was in my best friend and she started GOING OFF on me via text with things like: "you know what, what fun would you have been even if I invited you!? No one likes you anyway you're not fun this and that.." Which caught me completely by surprise. I hate drama though, and I was especially not going to have a fight over text so I just didn't even write back for an hour. This pissed her off even more I guess and she said some pretty nasty and hurtful things, like 10 long text paragraphs lol. So I just replied back "k" she wrote back even more mean things paragraphs long and I just didn't even bother reading the last few just deleted them and stopped talking to her. Fast forward about 2 weeks (she knew my FB password) I wake up at my other friends house, check my FB and there are a bunch of notifications. Crazy friend posted a status like "I miss my grandma wish she was still here" THEN went on my account and posted as me saying "no one cares" and continued this fake ass conversation as me being a total bitch. My other friend and I couldn't believe it and just started laughing so we posted on there saying how we were with some other people when this all happened and not even near a comp (it cost a lot to use the internet on your phone back then) other friends all posted the same. She deleted all our comments and blocked me on FB. That was years ago and we don't really talk still. She sent me a friend request a few years ago and I added her. I don't hate her but wouldn't want to really be her friend again, def some crazy in there..

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