A different look a Jhin

I've played this champion rather extensively since his release, and have come up with a build that surprised me with its success. It's very unusual, and many of you would probably consider it to be inefficient. You'll see why I say that in a second. I'm a silver, so bear with me here x3 I use three lifesteal quints (cringing yet?) and go full armor pen marks, with standard seals and glyphs. I also don't run the usual masteries, at 18/0/12. This build is centered entirely around sustain in lane, which is one of the points where Jhin seems to struggle the most. Having a bit of lane sustain allows him to get the items his kit greatly depends on and craves, each auto attack returning 10% of the damage dealt (about 6 health at level 1) and gives a much larger amount of health back on low health minions. Additionally, Warlord's increases this healing to ~15%, which can help heal back a portion of the damage received during trades. With just a Doran's Blade, you are able to stay in lane for insane amounts of time. Even when you are reduced to 25% health at low levels, simply AAing minions will quickly get you back to full HP without the assistance of a health pot. I've seen a few others use this build, and they apparently had a large amount of success too. I personally do this because it's super fun to out-sustain and out-harrass almost every single adc. Of course, you could try your own version of this by swapping out armor pen marks for flat AD or swapping the masteries to 18/12/0 since the execute damage in the Cunning tree works well with his abilities and playstyle, but personally I prefer the extra sustain. As for items, I tend to rush an IE, as it gives a larger amount of damage in comparison to an ER, which I've seen a lot of people rush. Personally, I used to rush an Essence Reaver, but I started to realize that the crit damage increase was much better than 10% CDR and can easily surprise enemies with the burst damage it offers. You could decide to rush ER, as that would be a perfectly viable option, but I like to get IE first. My second item is usually an ER to gain more flat AD and crit, as well as increase my CDR to 20%. Pretty simple. My third item varies depending on how well I'm doing. If I'm ahead or going somewhat even, I tend to try building a Rapid Fire Cannon, as it synergizes well with his passive. If not, I tend to go a little more defensive, building a bit more lifesteal or even a Sterak's Gage against more bursty teams that like to focus you. I know that building a tanky item like Sterak's on an adc can be quite controversial, but it really can help you get back in the game if you are getting dived on. Besides, it's a cool item anyway x3 Afterwards, the way I build him is pretty typical of most ADCs. A Last Whisper is an option against enemies with a ton of armor, and a Bloodthirster or QSS can provide additional defensiveness. As for boots, you can use pretty much any of them, though I tend to use Swiftys to run a bit faster in combat. I hope this gave a few unique ideas on how to play Jhin, since he's considered to be weak right now.

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