[Discussion] Aura radius is completely bugged or broken

cept radius and area are non-linearly related - if you have 10% area, you get 4.89% radius, but if you have two of them for 20% radius, it's 9.54%, not 9.78%. And this matters a lot as the numbers get bigger.

Sure. Wasn't really stating otherwise. Was simply responding to the comment above that seemed to have certain discrepancies with regard to semantics in stating things like "total area of effect is meaningless for skills that originate from the player". Which is hilariously inaccurate when the comment proceeded to then speak about how important radius is.

I'm not trying to say that skills scaling off AoE weren't nerfed. I agree that most were. I also think that most were justifiably nerfed. I would group auras into that category. The current radius is completely reasonable with only taking the 90% from the general reservation/effect nodes on tree. Add in quality and you have a pretty solid radius.

I would only agree with reverting overall aura AoE back to the old form if it were to be achievable through new nodes on the tree that were separate from the current effect/reservation wheels. Would need to actually invest to get radius. The OP is basically complaining about not getting a massive benefit from quality on the gems... which is hilarious to me.

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