[Discussion]Since I graduated college in May I'm the least motivated I've ever been

I got into a similar stump - I was doing school full time and kicking ass at my part-time job. When school finished I took a huge productivity hit.

During school, you had a schedule - you goto class, and do your stuff around your schedule. Now that you have no class, you've lost your schedule anchor.

One thing that was (and still is) extremely detrimental was not having a sleeping & waking up schedule. Even though I now work from home, waking up at 4pm pretty much kills the rest of your day. Do it enough times in a row and you get into a dark place and you start forming bad habits. I suggest you push yourself to sleep by midnight and wake up by 8am. If you're far from that, inch yourself towards your sleep goal every week.

Then spend your mornings getting shit done. You plan for 3-5 resumes to be sent out per week and start working on increasing the number. Keep at it.

About school and degrees... I took up my degree in my current field, but the degree's curriculum taught me nothing new. However the journey to get the degree was a lesson of resilience. Now is the time to put up your degree in resilience to the test in the real world. Apply your hard work ethic from school into RL. Just remember to keep at it.

/r/GetMotivated Thread