A diver who made it her life’s work to remove hooks caught in sharks’ mouths.

Here are some similar videos with killer whales.

The first video is that same "create" signal the dolphins above were taught. The whale, Takara, is taught to perform any unique behavior at that signal, without repeating any.


These next couple videos show examples of killer whales thinking, learning and copying other whales, without being asked. In the first example, all three whales are asked to swim on their backs around the tank, but are not asked to squirt. The first whale, Corky, squirts water, and so the other two see her doing this and copy her. They didn't squirt water until she did. It shows them thinking along the lines of "Oh, is that what we were supposed to do? Let's copy her."


Another example of this. The whales slideout on the ledge, and the whale on the left starts shaking his head doing what is called a Thrash Slideout, while the whale on the right does what is called a Present and poses with his head and tail raised. He sees the one on the left doing a Thrash Slideout instead, and so he changes behaviors and copies the other whale instead, thinking that's what they were supposed to do.


/r/HumansBeingBros Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com