DLC GONE TOO FAR? - Dude Soup Podcast #134

So you agree with my initial statement, that sexual preference is strongly correlated with "sex", and you agree that social constructs have a basis in biology...so this entire discussion was what? You being picky with my terminology and enlightening me with inspired revelations like - 'human concepts are constructs'

I mean, no shit dude.

You just said yourself that the constructs i tried to discuss are based on reality, so why would you ignore my discussion about reality, begin a discussion about definitions being nothing more than human constructs, and then undermine your entire argument and say that constructs are based on reality anyway?

I mean damn bro, seriously, what a waste of both of our time.

No definitions hold true with the reliability we want them too...there are always outliers and exceptions. A correlation as low as .7 is still a considerable correlation, and the concepts we've been discussing are much more related than that, so what's your point? That a clear correlation based on reality means nothing because a tiny percentage of people don't fit into the equation?

No offense bro, but I don't think you're as smart as you seem to think you are.

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