The Search for the Best Christmas Movie: Tournament Bracket Part 1 - Movie Podcast

Ok so Gremlins has more ties to Christmas hear me out

The only reason the movie happens is because the dad, who is a total Shlub and knows it(can’t even keep the family crest? From falling down every time someone comes in) This poor traveling salesmen/inverter of a schmuck is out trying to find a perfect gift for the family that has it all for this Christmas His wife is all wrapped up in holiday “cheer” watching it’s a wonderful life “it’s sad” His kid is trying to get a career going in banking dealing with crazy neighbors both helpful and not while trying to hold a job and win the affections of his local sweet heart It just so happens that the Christmas present comes with a terror that set my five year old self to a life long affair with horror. So. Gremlins. The best “horror Christmas “ Outside maybe Rare Exports which wasn’t brought up. But best Christmas movie? Anything Christmas Carol. There’s a British holiday tradition where we tell a ghost story at Christmas and it was started by a Christmas Carol. Imo the beta wha to celebrate Christmas is a good old a fashioned spookems I personally lived Scrooged, best adaptation of a Christmas Carol there is. But in a pinch and if you ask my wife, Muppet Christmas Carol reigns supreme.

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