Normally I'm not the most conversable person and English is my third language (I'm litteraly writing this with Google Translate opened), but I feel like this is necessary.

First off: it doesn't matter if you liked brandon or not, the man needs some respect. Yes he made mistakes, but who hasn't? The only reason why we hold it against him is because he was and still is one of the biggest personalities in the SMITE community. He played since the open beta and has been straeming for as long as I am playing SMITE (end season 1). He gave a lot for this game and he needs the respect and credit that it deserves. He moved to Georgia so he could come work for Hi-Rez and you can all read how hard it was for him.

Secondly: stop with the: "We did not do this, he did this to hilmself." No. No he did not. He had his opinions and he stood up for them. Yes he was rude to players in game, but who doesn't rage at people when they misplay? Most importantly, when he rages at people, they are A) not hearing him (or streamsniping) and B) for every viewer just a random guy, you most likely don't know who the player is. I have never seen him rage at someone (who didn't deserve it) while they were on coms with him.

Lastly: when Kelly and Bart left, the majority wished them the best luck. I think he deserves that too. Instead of the regular crusifying htat normally goes around here, for once can we just be nice and wish him the best luck for him. He was a great caster, a great help for new players (like myself) and the biggest streamer and charity worker in the SMITE community.

Let's give him the respect he deserves, maybe not by his words for some people, but definetly by his actions.

/r/Smite Thread Link -