Doctors of Reddit, what's the biggest case of "faking it" you've ever seen?

Not a Dr story, but my great uncle was color blind, had tunnel vision, some kind of degenerative eye disease where he had to be led around bc he supposedly couldn't see very well.

Growing up he had a history of being a man-whore and having a couple bastard children running around that he didnt support in any way past breeding with their mother.

Anyways, he "had to be" cared for once he got so old bc he claimed blindness. His wife (my papaw's sister) was absolutely dedicated to being his maid and leading him around.

One day we were in town and my great-aunt threw her hand up and waved at a lady across the street as we were leading him to a Dr appt. She said, "[g-uncle], over there's [so and so]!" and he said, "Boy, she ain't aged a bit, still gorgeous!" and my g-aunt exclaimed, "I THOUGHT YOU WAS BLIND, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!"

I shot snot out of my nose bc the laugh came so u expectedly...

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