Doctors of reddit, whats your’Thank god they came in for a second opinion’ moment?

I’m no doctor but 11 years ago my grandma died of cancer, stomach one, or something similar, located in the belly (I’m no expert). She’d had it for more than 2 years without knowing it, her belly swallowing bigger and bigger each day for no good reason, because her doctor never noticed or bothered to check what it could have been. It took her to just change doctors once for the new one to say there was clearly something wrong and that, after a few tests, she urgently needed to be operated.

Now I don’t have all the details of this story, and I don’t know if it was the first doctor’s mistake to just overlook his patient, or if it was really undetectable for years. I just know that, even as a teen, I could see that stomach swallowing, not thinking anything of it at the time, just like “oh well, grandma’s getting some weight on haha”.

I just know what happened. She changed doctors once, got to get urgently operated, never lived through. She died maybe 2 months after the operation, laying in an odd angle in her own puke in hospital.

/r/AskReddit Thread