Doctors of reddit, whats your’Thank god they came in for a second opinion’ moment?

Not a doctor, but I have a story about both of my parents.

My mother was acting way more lethargic and depressed, and she didn't seem like herself so her primary care doc diagnosed her with depression and threw meds at her. Now at this time my father was going through chemo for stage 4 cancer, so her being depressed would be a reasonable diagnosis, but she kept getting worse and he ignored her and kept giving her meds. The day she fell asleep while putting on her shoes is when I ran her to the ER. She had multiple brain tumors and was only with us for a few horrible weeks. Now, I'm not sure if a correct diagnosis earlier would have done much, but it may have made her last few months a bit easier on her.

Years later, my father came down with a cold, but it got worse. I finally convinced him to go to his primary care and he sent him home with antibiotics saying it was just bronchitis. That night his blood pressure was so low he passed out, and in the ambulance to the hospital flat lined. Turns out he had advanced pneumonia and was in the ICU for two weeks with a giant tube sticking out of his side.

The kicker was the doctor that had both of these wrong initial diagnosis is the SAME. DAMN. ASSHOLE. I had no idea my dad was still going to him after mom passed. We wanted to file malpractice suits for both of his huge screw-ups, but because he's such a higher up, powerful, rich-as-sin doctor in a small town several lawyers told us we would basically go bankrupt and only get compensation for the medical bills. Thanks, America.

/r/AskReddit Thread