This documentary perfectly captures the type of Americans who end up on this sub and ask about German citizenship because of their ancestors and for being German themselves

/u/cyberdork the asian girl isn't ethnic German. Germany was created as an ethnostate. Yeah, her nationality is German but her ethnicity is not.

If 100 million Chinese come to Germany, are they German? Would Germany still be German? Race, ethnicity, language, culture, all of these things define a person and a country.

I understand if this offends you, if you're not ethnically German. But let me put it to you this way - Are the white Afrikaners African? Yeah, their nationality might be South African, but they're not from Africa historically. Nobody associates white people with sub Sahara Africa. Deep down, subconsciously, you know that person historically originates from Europe.

I'm not sure why you have to attack me instead of having a civil conversation about what makes somebody "German". It's ironic that you consider me a degenerate neonazi, yet it was the nazis who had an all or nothing worldview, very similar to the one that the far left holds today. The far left will not have dialogue with anybody who doesn't fit their world view. Think about that.

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