Does the army kill many innocent people in Iraq?

How am I trolling when I’ve done more research than you’ve ever done in your life?

Where on reddit do you think you are right now? Boy, I was in the thick of shit. I rolled Iraq from Baghdad to the Syrian border. I watched Iraqi children die. I watched humvees burn with US Marines inside. I’ve loaded wounded men on helo evacs while they cried out for their mothers in agony. I pray you never have to go through what I did.

How am I trolling when I’ve done more research than you’ve ever done in your life

Have you? Bet you haven’t even read Fiasco.

but I don’t respect innocent people dying for a cause they didn’t cause

Neither do we. The fact that you would even type such trash to try to bolster your point means you understand nothing.

/r/USMC Thread Parent