Does this mean free Camping on this front porch and grounds? Put up or shut up I say.

How about the guy with the chopped bicycles camping in what was basically the footpath for pedestrians at the farmer's market this weekend? Unbelievable. The market is the one good thing we have downtown and it's getting destroyed. And the kid with the HUGE mess he created on the plaza with all the tarps and garbage. Wow. What a mess. And you can bet the lawyers behind the threat to sue the city are relishing the moment. As soon as the camp is cleared for health reasons, they will sue the city. Sad part is the bums all think they are going to get some drug money and a dry place to doze off from it, and the only thing that will come of the lawsuit is the lawyers get a new BMW and fancy house in South Eugene. Gated to keep the bums out, of course. BTW Two people I know who live near downtown chased people away over the weekend from trying to break into their neighbor's homes. So there you go. It was bad and now it's about to be really bad.

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