Why does PETA get such a bad rep?

The facts are out there

Provide them. You're the one making the claims.

Given that I've seen it personally at PETA HQ, and provide evidence

No, no you have not provided evidence. The day I take your personal, "I saw this" story is the day I have to believe everyone on reddit is a rancher and everyone's uncle runs the perfect farm. Sorry, but no.

I'm sorry, but what do you feel like I missed? As I said as well, I could say you're sounding like a shill for PETA. I would rather not use labels like that, but you've introduced this to the conversation, and I don't see how it's fair that you see me as a shill, but ignore the fact that you're doing the very same thing (and with an even smaller degree of scrutiny.

Please quote were I called you a shill. This is getting ridiculous. I see you got very attached to the word shill. Let me repaint it for you without. YOUR SOURCE REWORDS CCF POSTS AND PUBLISHES THEM. I hope that doesn't contain any trigger words. Are you angry I insulted him? Do you still believe him to be credible?

that all those VA records are wrong

What are you talking about? When were those numbers ever contested? Do you even know what this argument is about?

they're all probably labeled as CCF shills as well, so it's impossible for me to add anything more to the conversation.

Seriously? Are we just venting at this point? Can you not tell the difference between a respectable journalist and one who posts things with skewed sources pushing for an agenda. The very sources you're trying to convince me you have evidence beyond, but have yet to provide. I was assuming the documentary was more of a support, as it sounded like it only contained a single event. Or is that what all the evidence has come down to?

I guess I'll ask one more time. DO YOU HAVE A SOURCE, ONE THAT DOESN'T LINK ME TO CCF IN ANY WAY, THAT PETA KILLS HEALTHY AND ADOPTABLE PETS? This is your claim. Support it. I'm ready to learn. I understand you think they should start a shelter. That's awesome. But I'd rather their service exist, than not exist. The cheaper methods of killing animals are gruesome. I'm happy they recognized that and created an alternative. One memory that still haunts me to this day is watching someone put a dog down with a bullet to the head. I support anything that helps make this practice not common place. Unfortunately, that is still far off.

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