Don’t apply for a credit card unless you know it’s a credit card.

It blows me away that kids don't know about this stuff - that no one even teaches the basics.

It's really not all that hard or complicated for the absolute basics, it really isn't. When I went and got my first checking account at 16-years-old (you could do this without parents co-signing back then), the banker took 10 minutes to explain checking accounts to me and I understood. It's just fucking addition and subtraction, which you learn in 2nd grade.

You don't even need a semester long class to teach kids about money. A few days or a week at most would be just fine more most kids. It's not that difficult. How high schools can require English or algebra, but not financial education is beyond me, just simply beyond me. Especially at this stage of the game. I know every teacher and principle must understand this and has heard of this, it's not some mystery that kids need a financial education. Why they don't teach it as a requirement, I have no idea.

/r/personalfinance Thread