Donovan Mitchell heads to the locker room without shaking hands after loss to the rockets

This happens a lot in the NBA, I don't particularly like it either. In my country in the sports you lose you always shake hands as a sign of respect; as it should be.

Don't give me the "oh he's pissed because he lost this badly, its the playoffs" No. You be a man and congratulate your opponent.

Even finals footy games when the other team is getting their trophy/medals the losing team always stay on the field and watch, and the team captain comes up to the podium and congratulates them emotions going wild or not, not running away from the heartache. Instead they barely say good words about them in the post game conference.

I don't know if it's an image thing, cowardice, pettiness or just plain cultural that people think that its right to walk away and then saying "who cares" but that just undermines the competition in my opinion and down right disrespectful.

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