Don't accept drinks from stranger on Halloween.

Um you called it a joke right here you fucking idiot.

Ah so you are going to quote random other comments when replying to other comments. Got it, that's totally reasonable. Don't reply to that comment. Blame me for your mistakes. Got it.

And I don't particularly feel bad for talking down to you because you're having a difficult time grasping that this isn't just my crazy opinion. It's the mother fucking law.

Off to a good start. Reasoned, level headed discussion being had here. I think college was a bit of an overestimation. Guessing more like early high school now.

So for your first question: does that joint inebriate someone past the point of informed consent? if so then yes. It's rape. If not then no.

But I thought it was if they were under the influence of any drug whatsoever then it is rape, as you claimed in your comment:


Having sex with someone under the influence of a drug is still legally rape

So in your statement, which I just quoted verbatim, having sex with someone under the influence of caffeine is in fact rape.

You are now changing your argument and adding qualifiers. It's almost like you realized that the original statement you made was vapid and nonsensical, and then changed your argument to save face.

Now it's "if they are inebriated past the point of informed consent", a claim which I never disputed.

It's funny how you are acting morally almighty, and yet are still afraid to answer the questions I posed, conveniently writing it off for a judge to decide.

If all decisions are to be made by a judge, how are you allowed to make the decision that "Having sex with someone under the influence of a drug is still legally rape"?

If it's to be left to a judge, how are you to pass judgement on Bill Cosby's recreational use of quaaludes?

Or, if you'd rather admit that the original statement you made is 100% wrong, how do you know that the person involved in the testimony which Mr. Cosby gave was past the point of giving consent? Quaaludes are a pharmaceutical drug which vary in dosages. Just as one can vary how much they drink. Quaaludes were also a popular party drug, just like alchohol. Do you know that she did not give consent while under the influence of drugs? Do you know if she was past the point of informed consent? No, you are making sweeping statements with no evidence or rational thought.

Thanks for this enlightening discussion, you are so smart and have taught me so much :)

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