I don't agree with resuscitating people who overdose on heroin or any hard drug.

I may be the exception to your POV. I have used, I have been addicted to drugs and alcohol, and still am. I grew up in a single parent home. My mom worked 3 crap jobs to support me because she had no education or marketable skills and couldn't get anything better at the time. I have psoriasis due to stress. I also have Hep C from sharing needles. This doesn't change my mind one bit. I had a choice, I made it. For instance, December 2, 2016 I was more 50lbs. overweight. I decided to put down the bottle and lost the weight. It wasn't easy. I didn't drink for a year exactly. Last night I got slammed and ranted all over reddit. I know what you're saying, but I know what I meant, too.

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