Don't ask General Zaluzhnyi about Chuck Norris. He doesn't know who she is

Let me make it even more depressing.

My one greatest fear when I get older isn't contracting cancer or any of that crap. Its dementia, the idea that one day I will slowly lose my memories is a completely horrifying thought for me.

All the experiences I've developed over a life time, every friendship forged, every precious memory kindled, will slowly fade away.

When I was a kid I use to get annoyed that my parents would want to take so many photos whenever we went on holidays, but knowing how depressing dementia is... I understand why they wanted to take those photos.

Now I've kind of developed a bit of an obsession with archiving things/ recording them because one day those archives/recordings will be the only evidence that I ever had those memories to begin with.

I hope to god some cure for dementia is found/developed in the future.

Ahem anyways Valerii Zaluzhnyi is a pretty rad general.

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