[DISCUSSION] HIp-Hop Culture and Racial issues

why is it so hard for some of you to acknowledge these things exist?

Your question implies that some people know they exist, but maliciously refuse to acknowledge it. A lot of people seriously don't believe they exist.

Imagine if someone asked you "Why don't you just acknowledge that racism doesn't exist?" You'd be like "Wtf, obviously racism exists" and so you'd challenge that idea.

Personally, as someone who does see the types of cultural appropriation in artists like Miley Cyrus and Iggy Azalea, I think this sub has done a pretty poor job of explaining what cultural appropriation is.

Like most people on every side of the political spectrum, people took the opportunity to turn this into an "us vs them" pissing match instead of actually tryna have a conversation and accurately explain what's wrong and what isn't.

For example, in this post instead of making this about explaining your viewpoint, you basically just said "Why don't you blindly agree with me?" "I know y'all are white, but why can't you call out things as offensive and racist when I want you to?"

In yesterdays post about Chance and Miley people, I only saw one person give a reasonable explanation. More people could've said: "Miley went from some country singing, childrens TV show host to wearing dreads and twerking. She's adopting a culture that she was never raised in in order to profit off it."

Instead people were just saying "white people can't wear dreads", which doesn't make people see your point of view.

If you look at someone like Eminem, no one gave him shit for wearing doo rags cause he grew up in that culture. But then some people are saying "until black people stop getting ridiculed for dreads, white people can't wear dreads". I just don't agree with that argument.

Basically saying "we can't happily wear it, so neither can you." Just not a good argument in my books. If a black person is ever ridiculed for their style, you should be shutting that shit down. Not thinking of the next time you can get even with white people.

Same goes for Chance calling Miley a racist for saying "mammy". No explanation why. Just "you can't say it". I can't even speak on this cause I didn't watch the VMAs, but if she used it in reference to her maid, then I agree that's fucked up. If she was calling her mom that, then it would be better to inform her of the racial connotations behind the word, instead of immediately escalating the situation by calling her racist.

Of course, there's always gonna be some people that will just never change their mind, and see every mention of cultural appropriation as a personal attack on themselves, but if you wanna change the minds of people who wanna care, it isn't by providing no explanation other than "because white people".

/r/hiphopheads Thread