I am not going to support anymore!

DPS mains of this game. You win. You got it! You got your way! WOOOHOOHOOOO this beta Mercy main is DONE. (Look me up: 11 hours on Mercy this SEASON ALONE! I'm speaking legit.)

Just like Barbara from Shark tank: I'm out. We currently have a nonstop problem from silver all the way into platinum of 4 dps comps. And guess why? It sure wasn't because Mercy was "OP".

I'm out. As a 100% pure blooded support main who played one hell of a lot of solo queue competitive (aka that person that willingly took that "crap" role everyone else SCREAMS about being "forced to take"). I'm out.

With the absolutely hilariously relentless gutting my main since beta (Read as: Mercy). Who I have mained through thick and thin, through tank metas to widowmaker dominance. I cannot even begin to state how disgusted I am. I've never been this tiffed at this game until now.

First off let me say this: Me myself as a support main on Soldier, I have over 3 hours of play time. 69% winrate. An almost 70% winrate, that's far from trash.

But then you sit and look at my support winrates...

And I'm a support main. So what does this say? Means that support never was the means to show off my actual skill with this game. Meaning: DPS always will be able to contribute significantly more to winning than a support ever could or would be able to.

I've actually had enough now I've seen the Mercy destruction.

DPS players whine, complain and scream at the top of their lungs and then get anything that could possibly stop them gutted.

Lucio had his power level stripped down an insane amount during his rework, he was able to solo heal albeit with difficulty. Now he's far from what he was.

Ana has been gutted across the board to the point where even when I land my shots I feel underwhelmed.

Zenyatta is barely a healer at 30hp/s. 30hp/s is not going to carry a team through a teamfight.

Tanks too. Dva for instance is laughable when you say she is a tank. Roadhog was harshly nerfed too and Zarya doesn't do much against a DPS that knows what they are doing.

Flat out I'm done.

/r/OverwatchCirclejerk Thread Link - i.redd.it