<------- Number of times Mercy gets POTG

Really? God of course you have a strawman icon too, you’re all so self serving.

of course you have a “i did all the work” attitude, i’m gonna level with you twinkle tits, all you did was fucking copy and paste this argument. You know how easy it is to get a 4 man with strawman? If you’re not on depressents, it’s pretty fucking easy. And a 6 man, with a invalid argument, AND YOUR DEBATE TEAM FIRING RETORTS DOWN ON THEM AT THE SAME TIME? Wow, yeah, no you did ALL the work, good job mass debater. You think just cause you see some shitty debaters mess up, you think your argument is good? You literally pressed copy and pasted from wikipedia just like everyone else, but because yours involves a couple more left clicks and spacebars, you think you fucking carried the debate team?

Literally this could be reversed, and all that happened was it was Jeremy Corbyn who said “i’ll debate you” and then you “come in here.” He did her job, you did yours. but you want to act like your some special fucking mass debater for getting points?

Must be hard LITERALLY THE GAME. “i got a bunch of point with my ult argument”, wow, fucking shake me down and call me Shirley, because you must be jesting. A multi point? WITH AN LOGICAL FALLACY? How did you pulll off something AN LOGICAL FALLCY WAS DESIGNED FOR. Must be a pro. /s

but no, you’re all like “Oh yeah, i got a bunch of points all on my own, no thanks to the logical fallacies already made for you, and the support from Mr. Trump. or the rest of the internet.”

You people are just… im gonna be honest, complete wankstains. Give credit where credit is due. But no you think you are the team. insufferable. YOu did your job, and you belittle people saying they didnt really participate, that they only pressed copy and paste, when they did their job. Except you’re potd was literally just a combination of two Wikipedias. If you didnt have either Wikipedia you would have eaten shit.

/r/OverwatchCirclejerk Thread