[Drama] Comedian Sky Williams eviscerates MTV's (frankly) racist video giving "advice" for New Years' Resolutions to white men. MTV has hit a disgusting new low.

I grew up with black friends. When we were little, we didn't make a big deal out of race and just called everyone by their names and ignored all that racist bullshit.

As a fellow gen x-er, yes! Do you remember those days? We x'ers grew up learning to NOT judge others, to give folks a fair chance, to not pre judge, to not be prejudiced. I grew up with friends of every race, and really nobody gave a flying fuck. So you're black, I'm white, our buddy is Asian. Ok. Whatever. Where are we going to score some beer? Same with feminism. We grew up being taught, and pretty much accepting that men and women are equal. Sure we're different, but we're equal.

Fucking hell, the past decade it all got turned upside down and folks who had truly learned to just say "fuck that" to prejudice and sexism - are being told we did it wrong. I can't even keep track anymore. If I say I do all I can to be "color blind", I'm told I'm ignoring the history of folks. If I say I'm trying to live my life, paying attention to the trials and tribulations your ancestors experienced, I'm told I shouldn't put folks into categories.

There is an entire new school of thought, that has been totally bastardized - and is now being used as a tool for folks to get their way. So your idea wasn't received well at the meeting? WELL! IF Joe would stop MANSPLAINING, my ideas would get some play! If my commissions aren't up to the same level of a guy's, then it MUST be the pay gap! Even though we're paid from the identical commissions scale!!!!

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