E-cigarettes/vaping at EVO... I hope these don't become common in smash events

Yes, most of my comments are out of personal anger.

You wanna know why?

Because it is a "huge problem". Hosting events, I get people come up telling me they have bad asthma or cystic fibrosis, and that coming to these events is some of their best socialization and recreation they can get without as much risk. At recent large events in my area, secondhand smoke tracking in through irresponsible smoking close to doors outside (through a hallway too, it was not that much) made more than a couple asthmatics complain about it tightening their lungs when most people couldn't even smell it (I of course was one of them.)

Another thread on this post mentions someone with asthma being brought to the emergency room because of vapers -- it only takes a single person vaping and a single sensitive breather 20-30 feet away to potentially have a "0-100" situation.

I make these posts out of anger because I've had way too many conversations with people who think it's a very big problem, alongside being one of the (very many, mind you) people who are sensitive to air quality for immunological reasons. I absolutely loathe that this ignorance and mindset persists among young (read: under 40) people who have had all the resources in the world to be educated about it.

Don't take for-granted that you can breathe in smoke and continue breathing after that, and most importantly, don't be an apologist for people who take away another person's ability to breathe with their actions.

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