Early Muslim groups who rejected sex slavery, marriage of 9 year-olds, polygamy and the veil

Nope, this is more backpedaling from you. You lied and said I made fallacies and put words in your mouth here. You're a dirty dirty liar.

Explicitly quote where I said that? Quotes from my post :

"As I said, don't put words in my mouth, don't use logical fallacies. I could be childish too and tell you that you cannot disprove the existence of God but I had that kind of discussions years ago, it's always shitposting.

Religion cannot be factually proved or disproved, arguing that is useless and not adding anything to the discussion."

I'm clearly telling you what I expect in general from this discussion, I understand now why you don't understand the Qu'ran, ahahahaha : ^ )

On top of that you eluded my point again, keep bringing the discussion down by using logical fallacies and putting words in my mouth.

I'm an agnostic atheist, I don't claim full knowledge but I believe Allah is not real

Your claim "Allah is not real" is not backed by factual data.

You claim full knowledge. Your beliefs are irrational.

Welcome to the club mister "I make claim without factual data to back them up".

You cannot prove a negative.

You can't make claims without factual data to back them up and expect people to take them as valid and factual points.

So no one, even in Islamic tradition, has ever observed or spoken to Allah?

Not in a factual way, the claims rely on a framework we call "Islam" (ever heard of it?) as a prerequisite.

Exactly, so your beliefs are irrational.

"you're irrational" - man making claims without factual data.

No you ain't bitch, sit the fuck down and keep replying to me.

Nah just finished my paper, pe@ce

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