Easter Bunny named Jacinda flies as sole passenger on flight to collect stranded Germans in New Zealand

Again. Coming from someone abroad during these unprecedented times. No one could have predicted what was going to happen. Flights prices being raised to crazy amounts and filling fast. Airline phone lines on 3 hour waits. Boarders closing without warning. Please stop picking apart peoples actions. It's really easy to criticize other actions when you have hindsight, when you know what happens. It's also easy when you weren't abroad when it happened. Also in mid February 3/4 the world was calling it the flu....

I'm so sick is tried of hearing ' i HaVe No SyMpAtHy tHeY sHoUld HaVe KnOwN "

No one could have known flights would have been grounded. Not even you. So stop.

/r/newzealand Thread Parent Link - edition.cnn.com