Do you eat meat?

I'm a vegetarian, though right now am undergoing a medically-supervised diet that includes meat. it's hard. I cried in the meat aisle at the grocery store looking at all those poor dead animals.

but that being said, that's my opinion. I think you can eat meat ethically, and it's part of a balanced diet for sure. I just wish more people cared about where their meat comes from and the conditions of the animals before slaughter. I believe that if an animal was suffering and you eat their flesh, you can energetically take on some of the stress and fear that the animal has been storing in its cells due to a lifetime of abuse.

so the ethical way is to either hunt yourself (not to be condescending but if you can't kill the animal you're eating yourself - if you wouldn't have the stomach to slit its throat, or shoot it, and then skin it and take out the "good parts" while leaving the foul-smelling guts - don't eat meat). so many people would frown on me for hunting then go to the supermarket and buy a steak like ..?

anyway the other ethical way to eat meat is to be certain that it's locally sourced and the animals are treated well. the animals have to be treated well. what's so enraging is that people don't seem to give a shit about how these animals live. I hope someday in the future we will look back on factory farming as one of the worse atrocities humans have committed.

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