Clouds brought in a lot of sales. Eye candy is good for sales. The requested features by the like small group of hardcore features don't necessarily move the needle. I'm sorry your group isn't as into it as it was, I really do hope they add the stuff you want, but demanding they kowtow to the demands of the hardcore make little sense. Yeah, we're the biggest fans by far... but I mean, read here, so many have pledged to not spend another dime.
There's no exodus to BMS because of VR support. VR is a miniscule portion of the player base, it's basically insignificant. The vast majority of players are a normal computer monitor: VR is still an incredibly niche peripheral. There's been multiple non-reddit surveys of flight sim product customers that confirm that VR is an expanding but still very small portion of the flight sim market.
Also, BMS is just not approachable to people. It's fucking fantastic, it's an amazing piece of software, it's the absolute best fidelity F-16 simulator out there... but it's not easy to set up or use, you can't bind things while flying, etc. In those same surveys BMS usage is small enough to pretty much be ignored; those that fly BMS are almost all also fly DCS, the number of people that only fly BMS is like <4%. Most simmers are very casual and barely ever learn real competency with the aircraft. From the heyday of simming, I remember reading that the majority of customers spend <40 hours in a given product, on par with other gaming experiences. So while making the hardcore people happy is good, the cash cow is not the hardcore, but getting casual players in that will tool around, learn how to take off, land, try some carrier landings, maybe drop a couple bombs... then quit until something new and flashy comes along. Those users also require far less time to keep happy. Basically I'm just saying I'll take what I can get.