ELI5: The ending of interstellar.

I agree, slightly. Tars wouldn't exist without humans. Tars and A.I in general are extensions of humanity, a evolved version of ourselves. The same processes, albeit different are still working. Evolving biologically has reach its pinnacle with humanity, sure we get a few adaptabilities here and there in random people. (Example I have a mutation where I can choose not to feel pain, I have distichiasis.. what purpose are these mutations for? Well I could guess.. I am gay, so choosing to turn of my pain sensors at will helps with gay people facing physical abuse, and adaptability to not feel the abuse by straight people as a result, I can take punches and not be thinking about the pain and punch twice as hard back without my body wasting time thinking about the pain, I can totally focus on defending myself, eye lashes I guess help with attracting the right mate, which seems flawed since I am gay, until raising kids with two parents is preferable to one and means you can raise more children than as a single parent, but a few mutations here and there are not all that great when it comes to expanding out in the universe) So instead of adapting biologically, humanity moved and evolved into silicon and metals base life form, better adaptable to the harshness of space, although humans thought they were creating another species at the time, albeit a sub servant one, not realising they were really all along creating themselves, their replacements, more evolved descendants.. Its a good adaptability. End death, No hunger, ends tons of ailments that being human entails. Tars understands humour, much like humans. If the A.I did save us, all it really is, is, us. A future evolved version of ourselves. Just because its technology doesn't mean its not us. Hell, the reason we want to create A.I even today is because we know humans are flawed, but A.I can be a perfected version of ourselves that has all the good qualities that humanity has while leaving out the bad ones such as intolerance and hatred and murder, we hope it can perfect and save our world, discover and invent things we can only dream of. Our organic brains can only go so far.

Tars is slightly right. but so is coop. Coop being human and humanity creating the A.I means he is a ancestor to the future species, he is slightly responsible, but only as responsible as our primate ancestors are for humanity landing on the moon.

Basically, the future beings are probably A.I evolved and understand the fifth dimension better than a human organic brain could ever do, hence they can probably get around paradoxes. Their ancestors are humans.. They may be A.I but tars proved he has slight human qualities, instilled by his creators, something humans wanted to give him because love, humour, these are qualities humans agree are the best of ourselves.

Perhaps, a better version of A.I is created that truly understands and feels love, maybe the future beings, the future A.I have empathy, love.. Love is the key. Their love for their ancestors made them want to help us... Love doesn't always make sense, but I think that was their primary purpose.

Love is the key to all things human. I do what I do because of love of doing it. That's my opinion of the matter.

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