ELI5 How does EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy work?

I'm curious where your information is coming from. Excepting the military and emergency services (because the military is generally--though this would vary by country--made up of more men than women and fire stations / first responders / police are all more likely to be male at least in the US), I'm drawing a blank for where men would be experiencing more direct trauma than women. Things like natural disasters, war zones, car accidents and child abuse are all pretty much equal opportunity. If my guess is right (and you're saying that because men are more likely to have dangerous jobs than women), I think that depends how we talk about who has been traumatized by an incident.

For instance, in the cause of a traumatic childbirth, technically only the woman involved would be traumatized by the actual event (nearly losing her life). But my understanding is that situation can be far more traumatizing to her loved ones. The same seems to be true of men who are traumatized through their work--their loved ones might experience deeper traumas. (There's quite a lot of research to indicate hearing about someone you love being in danger is far more likely to result in PTSD than experiencing the danger yourself due to the body's management of stress and danger. I'm not sure it's fair to say that a man's wife nearly dying in childbirth isn't traumatic to him just because his life wasn't threatened.)

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