ELI5: How everything in existence coming from absolutely nothing (Big Bang) is any less ridiculous than theological explanations?

I'm not looking for anything from you. I made that clear from the beginning. I expect nothing less than utter disgust and mockery because that is all you've offered thus far. You tell me I know nothing about you, but feel perfectly justified in telling me all about me and my life. Honestly, I love nothing more than to sit down with someone and have a nice long discussion on the "mythology of religion" and it's credibility, but only with someone I believe is treating me with respect and that is where you have utterly failed. It has pained me to even visit reddit because I know I'll have a friendly little orange envelope to great me with more of your infallible human wisdom. So, what does that tell us? Are you really looking for a civil discussion, or are you just like the fundamentalists you so despise that are just so eager to push their own agenda. I'll ask you, do you even know what my beliefs are? Am I a Christian? Am I an atheist? Am I somewhere in between? You have no idea, and sure you can go through my history and try to piece it together, but you still won't get the full picture. You'd rather lump me together with all of the other extreme, pseudo-Christians to fluff your own ego about YOUR beliefs than treat me as another human being with a lifetime of experience that has given me a different perspective than yours. This whole ordeal leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but it isn't an unfamiliar one. I deal with people like you every day beating me over the head about my bigoted, archaic belief system and it just makes me giggle because you know so, so little about it that it's actually laughable. This will be my last interaction with you, not so I may have the last word, but because there is nothing for either of us here. As much as you would love me to admit it, I'm not trying to change you or have you see from my perspective. I suppose the most I'd like you to take away from this is to treat others the way you wish to be treated. In this case, you've been a real ass. Have a nice life!

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