Email: Clinton abandoned secure line to use home phone

Or perhaps they're critical thinkers who aren't swimming in a group thinking echo-chamber like r/politics? Just throwing that out there as an alternative.

You'll find all types in every camp, especially in Reddit's many ready made echo-chambers. Clinton supporters would save themselves a lot of faux-outrage to acknowledge that Reddit's demographics simply aren't tilted in their favor.

As for critical thinking, I find Clinton-fan's eagerness to dismiss her problems a major difficulty. She's jumped the shark so to speak, where anything less than a nuclear meltdown can be hand waived as more "vast right-wing conspiracy". That in itself is issue enough for me to question if she should be president.

...If you reach a cynical point of saying all presidents ever were terrible and merely the lesser of two evils, maybe you've gotten too critical.

I think it's almost un-American to not maintain a healthy suspicion of those in power, especially in politics. "Lesser of two evils" may be more or less true at any period since the two parties began consolidating, but it has certainly not become any less true since those parties really started capturing and controlling the media in the 80s as with the moderation of presidential debates.

More importantly, I don't think the folks here have been objective. The actual knowledge about Hillary's full record, and political realities in general is on average appalling.

There's much disinformation coming from both sides. That this platform prefers one flavour shouldn't absolve the other side from critical analysis of the equal stream of nonsense flowing in the other direction.

He was a pretty good president if you lived through that era. And he would be Hillary's most influential adviser. There is a difference between blind brand loyalty and re-visiting the source of a previous success.

Bill Clinton had positives and negatives, and Hillary has done a tremendous job of accentuating her role in the positives while deflecting responsibility for the negatives. Bluntly, I think consolidating the Presidency into Royal Families because of their "experience" is antithetical to American politics.

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