Employers and managers who had to fire someone on their first day, what happened?

Not a manager but handled training a new hire in a call center. So this girl is a homegirl or a chola to the core. Sharpie eyebrows, 3 dots tattoo and wearing Nike Cortezs. Growing up around that, I was not one to judge. So maybe 3 hours into training we take a break. She asks if she can make a call. Ok you know where this is going. I'm thinking she's going outside and using her cell. Nah this chick picks up the desk phone and calls her "man". She proceeds to talk for a few minutes. It was hilarious. She's telling him to not forget the kids at school and to put some money on her brothers account who's locked up. The last part was the clincher. In front of me and about 20 other reps she tells him he can smoke her weed since she's going to be tested. I have never seen my supervisor run and literally jumped over a chair to get to the new hire. She had already called security and she was escorted out. My supervisor had to have security walk her out for a few weeks, since she believed she had seen homegirl standing outside waiting for her. Good times!

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