ENFPs, help me avoid a situationship with one of you

That is what I did after I didn't feel like the Date 1 was a fuck yes on his end. I don't know how old you are, but my experience from two long term relationships started as a "fuck yes", and one was so bad it gave me PTSD and landed me in years of therapy. He also has some baggage from overlooking some characteristics in a previous partner. I'm in a place where I want to move slowly and I understand he does too. I don't think this advice feels like what is best for me. In fact, I feel like if he lives here and things were moving faster I'd want to pump the brakes.

I'm not a "fuck yes" person, I'm really into the slow burn. Trying to find out if this is a slow burn or a slow reject. I would not expect to be someone's priority after three dates.

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