Erin Anderssen / The Globe and Mail: "Our porn-saturated media landscape is wreaking havoc on teen boys, too" ("Mix in drugs, add video games, Zimbardo says, and the moodles (“man-poodles” unable to care for themselves) may never grow up.")

Erin Anderssen / The Globe and Mail: "Our porn-saturated media landscape is wreaking havoc on teen boys, too" ("Mix in drugs, add video games, Zimbardo says, and the moodles (“man-poodles” unable to care for themselves) may never grow up.")

No, the boys are being fucked over by people like you. you know, the single mothers who try to raise boys as if they were girls, because women don't think about men, except for when they think about what they want to get out of men, which is really all about women, not men.

What's that? You want to bond with male role models at this fundamental developmental age, to see strong well balanced male roles? I'm sorry, but those males have already fleed upon fear of being called a pedophile & replaced by the sugar daddy that is the government: ALL HAIL SOCIAL MARXISM!

All before sending them off to the primary education system where they are treated like girls by female teachers: What's that? You want to go outside & play? You want to learn by doing, rather than simply repeating rote information?

All before being sent of to the secondary school system, where they will stop being treated like girls & start being treated like criminal sexual predator oppressors, who are all secretly the patriarchy. What's that? You would like to enter the science program? I'm sorry your penis disallows you from attending because we assume you already have heaps of opportunities, even though you don't really. What's that? You are interested in dating this girl you like? I'm sorry but as a future sex offender we are going to treat your every action as sexually predatory because you have the temerity to have a penis.

All before being sent of to the tertiary school system where the entire system is out to brand you a criminal, at literally every stage of your academic life on the basis of you possessing a penis: Literally everything negative in the world is your fault don't you know.

THIS is why men opt out of life, because you've made life completely unpalatable. Of course they've opted out, opting out is the smart choice given your toxic penis envy this generation is drowned in at birth. There is no island of respite to climb out of the water, the best boys can hope for now is to cobble together an artificial island of shit & hope to ride out the storm.

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