That escalated quickly

its called learn to take your roast and move on, guys who made this know an audience, video slept me at first with a good premise then turns into complete toss fest lol

I had a laugh but I'm not listening too close, if some of 'these things' weren't sussed you'd never know why, overall joke was funny, Canada is small tho, best of luck to these idiots.

"as per", you can drink the koolaid if you want but really we're all just floating around in it, always a bigger fish etc. etc.

dont ask thee guy winding himself off of 8 years of forced depressant medication "for it"... "it's" and "easy shot" to make, worlds a small place, perspective is what it is. People upsell jokes all day, industry is savage, they'll do it to any wannabe for free. Guys are creative, only so many jokes to make considering...

haters gonna hate lol

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