[EU] You are a Pokemon police officer. Today your handcuffs gave been swapped out for a new prototype Human Pokeball. ...

(This is not the POV specified in the prompt)

I watched in horror as my Zubat came crashing to the ground. She was my last Pokemon! Now, I may be a Rocket, but I try my best to be honourable and follow the rules of Pokemon battle.

I sighed as I reached for my wallet. "Fine kid, take my damn money. Not that I had much worth stealing to begin with..."

Suddenly, a Growlithe jumped out of the bushes and bit my arm!

"AGH! Damn kid, what kind of dirty trick is this?!"

The ten year old boy stared at me with that deer-in-headlights look. "Listen lady, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Don't give me that crap!" I snarled, trying in vain to shake the Growlithe off of my arm. "This was a trap, wasn't it! You're supposed to be fighting Pokemon, not people!"

"FREEZE! Cerulean PD!" said a female voice behind me.

I kicked the Growlithe in the head, stunning it for a sec. I turned my head: it was one of those meddling Officer Jenny's!

I finally got the stupid Growlithe off and ran. Ran off into the alleyways. I was always a good runner, getting into track and field in high school and all that. One of the best in our division. I anticipated every garbage can, every discarded piece of furniture that came my way, leaping over it as if it were a hurdle. I anticipated every sharp turn, as if the drill were burned into every muscle in my body.

What I couldn't anticipate though, was getting stuff thrown at me.

"Go! Arrest Ball!"

I felt something hitting me in the back and then... darkness. No, I hadn't fainted. It was like... I was trapped in a box or something. Normally, I'd stop and question what the heck just happened. But since I was occupied with not going to jail, that was the least of my concerns.

I pounded on the wall. POUND. POUND. POUND!

And with that, the walls shattered, and I was back in the alley. After getting my bearings briefly, I kept running. And running. And running.

Eventually, I managed to hide behind some bushes and lose the cop and her Pokemon. I breathed a sigh of relief. I gave myself a moment to relax my poor legs, massaging my thighs.

That's when I started to question the strange box from earlier. Was that... was that a Pokeball? For humans? I thought, Sweet Arceus, what have they done? That's... that's crossing the line! You can't enslave humans! That's a new form of low...

PLONK! I got hit again, this time in the head. Again, the darkness.

"NO! This is wrong! You can't do this!"

I pounded on the walls with all my might. POUND. POUND.

I felt... so tired... so weak... need rest... but must... get out! I summoned all my remaining strength.


No good. I couldn't...


When I came to, I heard a small, young-sounding voice echoing through my tiny chambers: "Come forth, human."

With a flash of red, my prison chamber cracked open, and I found myself in a cave.

Wait a second... that voice... it wasn't speaking English at all. It was speaking... something else, I couldn't put my finger on the language. How...?

I looked down.

A Pikachu?!

Wait, no. I thought for a moment... That Pikachu?!

The one Jessie and James had been trying to catch all these years?! I thought... I thought that it was a stupid quest. It was just a stupid Pikachu after all. It's not even a strong Pokemon species.

Turns out, that was a Pokemon you never want to mess with.

"Perfect," he said, a smile coming to his cute little face, "it works. I shall have my revenge."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread