Europeans who were for welcoming refugees last year but not now, what event or personal experience made you change your mind?

I guess I look at it as though there is likely an equal percent of bad people trying to get in as are already here. I mean, a guy shot a toddler in my town a few weeks ago. A mom overdosed and died from heroin in her infants hospital room where she was visiting.

Since we can't get rid of bad people doing bad things, I guess I'm willing to risk a bad apple as long as it's as small of a percentage as what we already have. I have no solution for how to do that, but surely it's possible given enough resources. My guess is that nobody wants to donate or spend those resources though.

I may be optimistic, but thinking about the gropers/attackers/thieves on NYE in Cologne, they said about 1000 men were responsible. If you boost that number to 5000, it's still less than 0.5% of the 1.1 million that have entered Germany. I don't know what percent it is of the people that are asylum seekers in Cologne though... either way, there are estimates that about 4-6% of men in the USA have raped someone. I haven't looked into other crime rates etc... my guess is they are increasing, but that generally happens when any area has an influx of low-income people. Desperate people do desperate things, unfortunately.

As I said, I don't have answers, but I guess I just have a feeling that enough money could make this work. I don't know where the money would/should come from. I have a feeling that because they are new, ANY crime gets amplified in the news in comparison to the crimes already there, especially if they are increasing in number due to the impoverished demographic rising.

I will say that I want all people who desire a safe place to call home get it. I won't say how to make that happen because I simply don't know.

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