Weekly /r/Games Discussion - What have you been playing, and what do you think of it?

See I really don't understand the hate bandwagon for this game. It has better graphics, story, a bigger map, weapon customization, better shooting mechanics and more perks than Fallout 3. If you don't like Fallout 3, or Skyrim then I have no idea why you would get this game and expect to like it. People need to stop comparing it to New Vegas, while yes I enjoyed New Vegas more, not only was it not a Bethesda game, but it is also not the way they want their games to be. New Vegas put you on a very limited exploration path through the world and led you to locations with the quest line. They focused all of their time on the dialogue and as a result had a very different focused game. The people that like New Vegas better are also just a very vocal minority, Fallout 3 got much better reviews at launch than new Vegas did and most of the people I know in real life like fallout 3 better. So to think that Fallout 4 would be more like obsidians creation than their own is kind of a ridiculous expectation.

I want to bring up two more points that I see complained about. One, there is so much bitching about the removal of skills. Idk if people played fallout 3 but the skills didn't mean anything. You just get so many points every time you level up, but it's not like you get slightly better at lock picking every single digit you move up, it's only every 25 points. The perks are essentially the same exact thing, just it's been made easier to understand. There was not a removal of hardcore rpg systems as much as people like to think there was. Also charisma still matters for speech checks which helps you, except now they're varying colors that show the difficulty rather than telling you exactly which level your charisma must be. In the end, leveling up is almost identical to Skyrim which most people were completely fine with. Second and I can't believe it's even a legitimate complaint, but Preston is a guy you use if you want to expand settlements and get into that, why people complain about his linear quests is beyond me. If you hate the settlement building then just don't do it, and ignore Preston as well. But the settlement building just gives you more options in the game. If you think it was tacked on, then apparently you haven't leaned how to use it to it's full potential, or you haven't seen the things people have built with it. It gives you the ability to create multiple living towns that were not in the game. Final thing, the comparisons to the Witcher 3 drive me insane. The Witcher 3 is a fantastic game with a great story and interesting mystery focused side quests. But it's a different style game all together. When fallout 3 came out, people didn't compare it to mass effect and go, wow this is a shitty outdated game with worse graphics and a more linear story than mass effect, so why is it being compared to the Witcher? And if you're going to compare it to the Witcher, at least cover more aspects than the story, the place where no Bethesda game has ever been the best. End rant.

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