Have you ever (correctly) had a gut-feeling to dislike someone who, on the surface, was a cool person that everybody else liked? What's that story?

But to treat a 14 year old like a pedo and barate

I entirely agree he should not be treated like a pedo at 14 like that for what he did, I'm just saying that from my comfort zone it would be a little weird.


It just sounds like two young kids had a pretty typical experience

I suppose you're right. Perhaps it is my position as a tutor with my responsibility over the kids I teach that makes any thought like that especially weird for me. If he was 14 and made out with a 12 year old girl just as people do out at a party or something, I'd suppose that'd be fine. The image I had in my head was it happening when he was tutoring or authoritative somehow where he had authority over her, because of my interaction with 6/7th graders always being in a school environment like that.

Basically what my job is, is that I have a small class of 7 - 10 (sometimes more on thursdays) students in the library after school that I make sure do their homework and if they need help I assist them, then for the last half hour of the class we have "club time," where there is like Wii, Art, Computer games, and fitness. I am responsible for Computer Games and in there there is like 10-15 people from 6th to 8th grade. A relationship other than student-tutor for me with anyone in the middle school is not only beyond my comfort zone (and just flat out gross/weird) but definitely would be something that gets me in trouble. But note that I don't do it not because I would get in trouble, but because that exceeds my personal boundaries. Even before I started tutoring, I have only dated people in my grade.

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