Have you ever (correctly) had a gut-feeling to dislike someone who, on the surface, was a cool person that everybody else liked? What's that story?

We were under a lot of stress, so there was a fair amount of arguments - that he confided in her about. I told him to stop doing that, because it would turn her against me. He didn't believe it would, but it did. At the time, he traveled a lot for work, and he admitted that it was easier to talk to her than to me. They talked about random fun stuff, and we talked about work issues, bills, kids, etc. I didn't know it at the time, but when he was rushing me off the phone to take a shower, go eat, or even sleep, it was actually because she was calling/texting him and he'd rather talk to her. That's an emotional affair.

I pointed so many things out to him and he just didn't get it. Even at the last minute when she was trying to stop him from marrying me, he didn't even see how fucked up that was. He said it was just that she was "concerned" about him. Why was she so concerned about him, her friend of a year, and not me, her friend of over 20? He honestly and truly thought she was only trying to "help" us, and it wasn't until another friend told him the things she was saying - that she was emotionally attached to him and did NOT want us to get married - that he finally realized it.

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