Have you ever felt sexual tension with one of your friends, and how did you deal with it?

Back in college I met a dude in my physics class who was into league of legends as much as I was so we started talking after class. He invited me to join his squad over the weekend. Including me it was 4 guys and a girl. Now it was pretty obvious that all but one these other guys were interested in her, but more and more she seemed to have chemistry with me. Of course, we were kind of required to be on the same wavelength since we were playing a team game, so I didn't want to read too much into it.

During a lull in one of our games we started talking and casually moved to asking each other pretty innocuous questions. I asked her what her favourite colour was, and she asked me back. I gave the cheesiest fucking response of my life but she somehow responded to it without the dorky laughter I was expecting. "Gray. All 50 shades of it." The next weekend I took her out and we banged.

/r/AskReddit Thread